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Friday, November 2, 2012

Maternity **Sarah and James**

Sarah and I used to spend our lunches together. We worked in the same place.  I have fond memories of quiet laughter, a little birthday cake, and hugs.  Sometimes life happens and you get caught up in it and lose touch.  I hadn't seen Sarah for years, and one day I ran into her mom.  After a few minutes of chatting, I discovered she was expecting her first child, and had hg! Now, if you know me, you know I am passionate about hg and it's sufferers, having been one myself.  I am happy to say that Sarah is doing great and expecting her little one soon! I was so honored to spend an cold, almost wet afternoon with her, her husband, James and their little dog in Newport Beach a couple of weeks ago.  They are a beautiful couple and I know their little one will be so blessed! I look forward to photographing their bundle of joy, and rekindling a sweet friendship. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hilary,
    You have a beautiful photo blog and I'm so touched by your generosity and your support for me! Thank you for raising awareness about HG through your blog. I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! You can read about it here -
    God bless!


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